The Magic Encyclopedia ™

The Magic Encyclopedia
index (b)
index item with this background taken from the LEXICON by Harvey Heinz and John R Hendricks
for purchasing details see:
The range of used digits (from 0 to base-1)
(Mathematical term)
Basic orientation
Standard position
One of the orientations of a certain figure
relevant subject Basic magic cube
Basic magic squares
Basic magic stars
Basic magic tesseract
see also Aspect
Magic Hypercube
Magic Stars
Bent diagonal A special magic feature when it is summing to the magic sum
relevant subject Franklin magic squares
see also Bent Hyperagonal
Magic Hypercube
Special Magic Features
Bent Hyperagonal
(Aale de Winkel)
An generalisation of the bent diagonal
see also Paths through the Hypercube
(Aale de Winkel)
Special type of digit-permutation which combines with the normal
(high component) into bimagic line of numbers
relevant subject Bimagic cube
Bimagic squares
see also p-Multigrade
Magic Hypercube
Special Magic Features
double magic
Special magic feature where a magic figure also sums
magically when all numbers are squared
relevant subject Bimagic cube
Bimagic squares
see also MultiMagic
Magic Hypercube
Special Magic Features
binary hypercube Hypercube with entries only 0 and 1
binary square binary hypercube of dimension 2
see also Latin Component Hypercube
blockwise magic hypercube the hyper-n-agonals do sum up to the magic sum, the other sums
sums blockwise equidistant to the magic sum
see also Qualifications
Bordering The process of expanding a magic figure
(construction tool)
relevant subject Bordered magic square
see also Magic Hypercube